Hello! I am Software engineer working in currently Zvolen, Slovakia
I am primary used to work on enterprise projects with strong preference of embedded systems. My main focus used to be C++ in combination with QT, but I do have experience with various sets of languages and technologies. I work on project in multicultural / multilingual teams with no problem (from USA to Singapore).
October 2021 - Present
Development of Kistler maXYmos family product line including TL/NC/Medico and BL facelift that provides market leading solution for manufacturing process monitoring. Process monitoring allows to check and evaluate the quality of a product or production step on the basis of a curve. The user can apply evaluation objects in order to adapt the curve evaluation to the individual monitoring task. Based on this specification, the maXYmos BL, TL and NC can check each workpiece and decide whether the part is good or bad.
- Integrated force-displacement monitoring is performed by maXYmos NC in real time with a complete documentation included.
- Integrated touch screen interface to control, monitor, evaluate and document XY curves. (e.g. force vs displacement)
- Market leader setting standards for industry in terms of quality, speed and reliability.
- The user can apply evaluation objects in order to adapt the curve evaluation to the individual monitoring task.
- Development process was done in accordance to SAFe (Scaled agile). With 3 weeks sprints and quarterly product increments.
- Code base is cross-compiled to different platforms via YOCTO platform.
- Industry 4.0 standards such as MQTT or OPC UA, were implemented and used.
Used technologies:
- C++ 20
- Qt
- Scaled agile SAFe
- Yocto
- SQlite
- OPC UA, MQTT, Profinet
See more about maXYmos family products
January 2021 - November 2021
Development of crypto-currency marketplace. With focus on user-friendly interface and education of users in blockchain technologies.
- Creating front-end from Figma layouts.
- Integration with Platon blockchain.
Used technologies:
- Svelte
- Bootstrap
- Figma
- MongoDB
- GoPay integration
See more on Bitbeli.cz
june 2017 - September 2021
Development of VoIP telephone software(Product brand: UNIFY CP and OpenStage series) both SIP and proprietary protocols.
- Development was primary focused on overall stability and wireless technologies (Bluetooth and Wi-Fi connectivity) with Broadcom, Cypress and Synaptics chipsets. Including responsibility for BT and Wi-Fi certification process. Software was developed on and for linux based system. Focusing on low power consumption target(LAN PoE) with military grade (NATO standard) usability requirements.
- Integration of Web based services.
- Integration of VoIP phone to gigaset IoT family via cloud-based system.
- As a feature owner of Wi-Fi security, responsible for planning and estimating team effort in certain area as well as directly responsible for any security incidents related to WLAN connectivity.
- Development was run in agile with 2 week sprints and software was versioned via git. Attlasian products were used for documentation as well as ticket system.
- As side project, cooperated on RoboTrain project, developing core system for autonomous train system. Including showing interactive screen capture to show potential hazardous object on track based on combination of video and LIDAR input. Secondly interacting with GPS modul, passengers tracking system and so on.
Used technologies:
- C++ 98, Qt
- C++ 20
- Bluetooth - BSA BT stack
- Wi-Fi - wpa_supplicant
- Gigaset Cloud API
See more about CP phone family
See more about OS phone family
December 2016 - june 2017
Development and testing of aircraft maintanance system
Development of custom testing framework
specifications of testing scenarios reviewing testing scenarios written by Indian team
Used technologies:
- C++, Python, BASH
- Atlassian tools (Jira, Confluence)
- SVN - version system
2017 - 2020
Mendel University in Brno - Faculty of Business and Economics
Graduates during their studies receive wide and advanced application and creative knowledge of systems and software engineering, theoretical foundations of informatics, highly specialized knowledge of ICT and IS/ICT and principles of their utilization, advanced database, network and multimedia technologies and artificial intelligence.
Graduate is able to participate on the process of informatization of organizations and independently work in the field of information and communication technologies deployment.
Graduates also have sufficient knowledge and skills for effective management of companies specializing in production and services within the tertiary sector of the national economy. They also have sufficient knowledge for an effective management of commercial activities in a company of any specialization.
Masters's thesis:
- Theses: Virtual economic guide - pedagogical tool
- Abstract: This thesis deals with design, development and production of a mobile application to support teaching. Android mobile application ”Virtual economic guide” is available through Google Play store. This application is not only for students of PEF MENDELU. Interactive materials presented in this applcation mainly concerns the Microeconomics 1 course. Some parts includes materials used in Microeconomics 2 and Macroeconomics 1 and 2. This application is developed in Java using Firebase cloud platform for authentification, autorisation and database services. Application incorporates gamification for better involvement of target group. Source code is accessible via GitHub platform as an open-source project.
- Technologies: Android, Java, Firebase
- See more info on Theses.cz
- Download app on Google Play
- See code on GitHub
2014 - 2017
Mendel University in Brno - Faculty of Business and Economics
The study is aimed at training professionals for employment with companies focused on designing, purchases and sales of economical applications of information systems, both in technical and software areas, or at IT departments responsible for the operation and development of IS / IT.
Specialist subjects:
Computer graphics and music -
To apply the tools to create structured and object-oriented algorithms to understand and creatively solve analyzing, designing and implementing database applications and major software systems, to deal with professional development groups within their knowledge. -
Principles and professional use application software, knowledge of data processing technology and principles of DBS as data processing tools, principles and essence of IS as an environmental transformation of data into information, knowledge of computer networks, computer graphics and computer law. -
To participate in its expertise in the operation of a system integrator as institutions to solve complex software applications, including web, database and multimedia, access, policy-based or structured. object-oriented thinking to solve group tasks creation and modification of IS / ICT.
Bachelor's thesis:
- Theses: Business Intelligence analytics for company SPEEDY SERVICE
- Abstract: This thesis contains information about implementing customized solution for SPEEDY SERVICE company. After short introduction to general information about choosing Business Intelligence solution, requests of firm are analyzed. Three alternative solutions are compared, two from Microsoft Corporation and one from TABLEAU SOFTWARE. Microsoft Power BI is chosen as most suitable one. Furthermore it is described how the data was edited and how the connection is set between data sources and Power BI. Also the automatic refresh of data and dashboards are described. Firm position on implementation and cooperation is listed in the end of this thesis.
- Technologies: PowerBI, MySQL, Bootstrap, Windows Azure Cloud services
- See more info on Theses.cz
2010 - 2014
School of Secondary board
General secondary school with focus on Informatics and Math.
It is one of the longest run school in region with more than 100 year tradition. Established in 1919, the school has been relocated multiple times across city, currently based in same building since 1989.
During history the school has incorporated several smaller schools, while keeping the standards high.
School offers multiple focuses with emphasis on math and language based focuses. Another strong focus being natural science.
Zvolen, Slovakia
+421 915 616 299